
Cultural Diversity in Canada

                                            Cultural Diversity in Canada Diversity reflects are communities there are many organizations which think that diversity is more than the colours of the people. Canada is one of the countries in the world where person can find people of different cast, creed, religion, gender, economic status, skills, belief, language and interests. There are tons of organizations in Canada which sport cultural diversity at their workplaces. Their motive is to expand their businesses by hiring a pool of people who belong from different regions. Though the organizations and the employees face different kind of problems which are listed below: - Problems Faced by Employees: ·          Language barrier ·          Discrimination ·     ...

Tips for Diversity

TIPS FOR DIVERSITY     ·        Colleagues should be heard The leaders should listen to its employee’s ideas and attitude towards different projects or policies., Give equal opportunity. They should be given right about of time. No employee should be given extra attention. Equal amount of time should be spent with each group.       ·        Listen to everyone All the complaints and things related to discrimination should be heard by the leaders. The complaint should be followed up and appropriate action should be taken.     ·        It is beyond skin colour Workplace diversity is more than skin colour. It is more of accepting new culture, their religion, gender, ethnicity, status and economic background.     ·        Ask for help Every person should be given formal training about diversity. Each...

Challenges for diversity

Challenges     ·        Language Language can be big problem in a diverse workplace. Employees might speak one common language but the accent and idioms they use can lead to a misinterpreted communication. On other hand nonverbal communication change a lot of things. for instance, in every country the way people greet with each other is different. The kind of actions they use may differ like maintaining eye contact, physical space, working techniques and many more.     ·        Working styles Different working styles can prove a good thing for a company. But sometimes it can prove to be a source of problem for a company . Each employee who comes from different regions bring different techniques and working ethnicity with them. Their attitudes towards work are different. An Indian employee may be used to working by writing everything down whereas an American employee may be habitual of using the...

Benefits for diversity

Benefits for diversity There is a lot of benefits of diversity at workplace as the more variety of people will be in the workplace the more will be the chances to enhance creativity and increase productivity. Some of the benefits of diversity are mentioned below: - Diverse teams are more productive and perform bet t er : - different type of people give different ideas whi ch lead to more ideas to choose from and one can choose the best idea which will be beneficial for the company ·          Greater opportunity for personal and professional growth : -Working crosswise over societies can be a really advancing encountering, enabling others to find out about points of view and customs from around the globe. The more diversity of workers works together the more they learn from each other. ·          Diverse cultural perspectives can inspire creativity and drive innov...

Reasons for diversity

Reasons for diversity ·          Diverse teams perform better : - Diverse teams have also been found to make decisions 60% faster than non-diverse teams. “Unfortunately, non-inclusive decision-making is all too common. In workplace the most of the decisions are made by males I large companies and in the small companies the gap between the male and female decision making is even worse. ·          It’ll be easier to hire and retain talent : - The more diversity workers we hire the more likely we have the chance to get more ideas. So, we can identify the great talent and retain them to enhance our productivity and sales. As we can get to know after some time that they are working properly or not so afterwards we can hire them or leave them ·          It’ll boost your employer brand : - The diversity of workers leads to competition in working environment whic...